JOIO DEJ-O Digital Excellence

JOIO DEJ-O Toolbox

For better start into digital transformation projects we put together a toolbox (framework) which helps to organize the first two phases of such projects more efficiently. We derived our framework from experience from other projects (what when wrong, what was done efficiently).

Toolbox from Customer Point of View

  • Quick Check: Quantitative Approach for the first steps and project organisation.
  • Health Check: Qualitative Approach including outside view on risks and chances.
  • Individual Implementation: Agile and adaptive approach for fast and controlled digitalization projects.
  • Handover: Your Team is ready to take the continuous improvements steps on without 3rd party support.
  • Continous Improvement: Use the JOIO DEJ-O Model to further improve your organisation.

Let’s start with a first workshop

Contact us now!


Contact us
JOIO-Sociallabs GmbH | Laaberstraße 49
2384 Breitenfurt | Austria
CEO Michael Böhm
DVR: 4016209 | ATU70980058